AIESEC Universitas Andalas

January 18, 2008

Finally we have interview CEED applicant from China.
He is great and awesome.
We decide that he will elected being our CEEDer.
Guys....thanks so muachhhhh....

He will Arrive at February 1, 2008 until February 25, 2008

His Job Desc here are:
Job Description:
Involvement in LC’s Activities
 Involvement in Learning Activities preparation
 Involvement in Learning Activities execution
 Helping in marketing material adaptation for LCs Activities (support)
Join Marketing Task Force
 Involvement in Marketing Task Force
Involvement with LC Members
 Sharing Culture
 Coaching for project management skill
 Coaching for team management skil

So,,,who will be his Reception team...we are waiting for it.
It will be new Challenge and I'm sure u'll feel the cultural understanding....yay!!!!

"I found that the harder I work, the more luck I seen to have"

(Thomas Jefferson)

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