AIESEC Universitas Andalas

February 4, 2009


Guys, this is our opening in PBOX HIV/AIDS 08/09

This is our preparation in the opening PBOX HIV/AIDS. That's talkshow. So that, we can get so many participant with this method.

This is speech by our LCP (Ika Rahmayutari). She told about HIV/AIDS generally. And then, she persuade the others to care about HIV/AIDS.

And then, this is speech from our OCP PBOX HIV/AIDS (the right one) with trainees. There are five trainees in this opening. From left-right (Nina from Slovenia, Angelia from China, Ivan from China, Adrian from Hongkong, and Wendy from China).

AND, this is speech by Dr. Efrida Aziz, MSc. She told about HIV/AIDS in our life.

And the last, our MC in this opening. Sherry(the girl one) and Jovi(the boy one).

In this opening, we can invite so many people in this town. It's amazing.

Our trainee from Hongkong(Adrian) and the AIESEC'ers spread the flyer to the people in sport center. It's mean that, we care about HIV/AIDS and try to give the information about HIV/AIDS to the other.

And of course, we did the dance for life. This dance from Holland. And, this dance also tell that we care about HIV/AIDS. And our participant respect to us. We can see that our participant follow us to dance.

Our OCP do the "Five Fingers Speak". And of course, it just show that we care about HIV/AIDS. And our participant still follow us, and then they write the expectation about HIV/AIDS. It's really nice.

One of the our participant, get the doorprice from us. She look happy.

In the last, we flight the balloon to the sky. We hope that we can do about our expectation in HIV/AIDS.

All of OC And Trainee.

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