AIESEC Universitas Andalas

November 25, 2008

Farewell Party EP

Yunisra Putri Rambe( kak Ira) LCP 2003/2004
together with VP OGX Vike Vanesha.
Kak Ira, usually we called, alraedy match in one of company in India.
Yesterday, November 24th, 2008, we held farewell party for her...
She will leave by November 25th,2008.
She is one of the most inspiring leader that AIESEC UA ever had...
Hopefully, you can reach and complete your AIESEC experience by this internship program.

Our trainee, Misaki also share her experience during intrenship In Padang.

As usual, Nice speech from our beloved LCP Ika Rahmayutari, to congratulate kak Ira
and to support her in facing any challenging during internship.

Spirit never ending...

Never forget to make a pose anytime, anywhere..

National Leadership Conference

For Organizing Committee National Leadership Conference 1
Jakarta( Puncak) November 15th-19th, 2008

People Said that " Life Changed by environments around of you, any events and people who you live with...
On behalf of AIESEC LC UNAND, we would like to say
Thank you for the great conference,
great foods...,
great people...,
great faci......,
and great leadership knowledge...
Thank you for helping us to get a chance to stepping change in our life.."

Executive Board AIESEC LC UNAND 2008/2009 (ika,yamin,Vike,Raisa,Abi,Gatot,Flori)

National Leadership Conference

Muhammad Yamin( VP ICX LC UA) become the Best Dress in Gala Dinner
of National Leadership Conference, November 15th- 19th, 2008
Jakarta, Puncak.
Congratulation Yamin, You are ROCKIN'...

Annisa Anindya( one of our beloved New members)
become one of the strongest MCP candidate in MCP simulation for new member.

Abby, EP from China for PBOX HIV/AIDS integration Indonesia LC UA.
she inspiring all people by her story about paradigm In china and Indonesia
in term of cultural understanding. She share how important Exchange program in solving nay misunderstanding between two or more countries.

She was so spirit..

AIESEC LC UA together with MC and chair.

National Leadership Conference

Together with our beloved MCP
Always Mingle with other delegates of other LC.
This National Conference really expend you horizon and extend your link

MCP and all LCP
7 months left..., who will be the next leader replace them.?
Let's see AIESEC born hundreds young leader every year

Our Beloved MCP( Aparajita Deb)
You are so inspiring in every your movement,
Your rocking Leadership drives AIESEC crazy...!

Lovely venue...
Thank a lot OC..

November 5, 2008

Pbox Education Exposure part II

This is the session where signed that all the orphan already finished their training Called Graduation Time. Our Beloved LCP Put the heat of graduation for each of orphan as the symbol of graduation.

Still in graduation time, OCP of PBoX, Indika Juang Putra gave the Certificate for each of orphan after they got heat of graduation from LCP.

"Trainees Time"
Our beloved trainees( Ajit, Priya, and Misaki) who already contributed during training got a special taime for sharing their experience in exposure in fron of more than 500 people who visited Andalas Plasa including members and guests.

Here they are...
time to show their ability, the orphan singing some english song to show they had got some capability of english after training fro three monts.

"Band performance"
Cooperated with one of art organization in our campus, we perform a band for entertaining after all formal session. some AIESECers and also all audiences could show their best group band here.

Pbox Education Exposure

PBoX Education Exposure(Sunday, November 2nd, 2008)
After finishing all the training for three months, AIESEC LC UNAND show the exhibition of the project overall in Exposure last Sunday November 2nd, 2008. This exposure proposed to inform all the activities during PBoX. we already done soft skill training for orphans from some orphanage in Padang including IT, English, and Communication skill Training. This Project proposed in increase the human resource ability specially for unlucky economic childrens.
The Exposure started at 11.00pm at Andalas Plasa where the place is really crowded in Sunday.
This exposure invite some important people who concer to the issues related like our BOA( Mr. Syahrial Sarif), Represantator from city head( walikota), represantator from the orphanage, and also released by all our media partner.

This is the Backdrop of PBoX Eduacatino for exposure.
In this exposure will be shown some performances by the orphans such kind singing, speech, and dance. there were band performance also for the entertain session

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